Friday, November 29, 2013

World War I

22 million casualties.

World War I trenches high in the Vosges Mountains. On the border of France and Germany (Alsace).

Handouts: Life in the Trenches, Intro and Review, Treaty of Versailles and World War I work, ...

PowerPoints: Alliances, World War I, Treaty of Versailles, ...

Helpful websites: BBC, PBS Maps, ...

World War I cemetery in France

Mr. Milo standing above the Alsatian valley.

Essential Questions for World War I:
1. What factors lead to warfare?
2. Who was responsible for World War I?
3. To what extent was World War I a "new type of war"?
4. Is war preventable? What about global war?
5. How did the Treaty of Versailles open a path to World War II?

Friday, November 8, 2013

1800s and Revolutions

Prezi Assessment Directions

Fair Trade Handout

Industry! Imperialism! Nationalism!

PowerPoints: 1800s Ads Examples, Italian/German Unification, Capitalism and Socialism, ...

Industrial Revolution part 1,  Early Industry, 1800s Essentials, Important Questions, Gunga Din and Man Who Would Be King Questions, Advertisement Assignment, Maximum Imperialism, 1800s Essay, ...

Websites:  Ems Telegram,...

Essential Questions:
1. How does the Congress of Vienna's attempt to "turn the clock back" fail to solve problems in the 1800s?
2. Why is Britain the first to industrialize and ...
3. How does industry change the lives of Europeans, as well as others around the world?
4. How does Europe exploit the rest of the world?
5. How does nationalism help erupt change all over Europe?
6. How will nationalism, industrialization and imperialism lead to world war?

Pictured: Mr. Milo and host Xhevdet in front of Xhevdet's school in Kosovo. Immense nationalism still exists in this region of Europe, where Albanian and Serbian relations are quite tense.

Monday, October 7, 2013

European Enlightenment

The European Enlightenment. Where INDIVIDUALISM dominates.

French Revolution (and other stuff)

The beginnings, Sept. 24 work

Enlightenment Quiz Questions

The next assessment will include information on Humanism, Individualism, the meaning of the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration and its impact, Absolutism vs. Individual Rights and the impact of the Enlightenment.

Study guide

U.S. Constitution
In class comparison of Enlightenment and U.S. Constitution

Essential Questions--

How is the Enlightenment a rebirth of Ancient Greek Democracy?
How did the Enlightenment challenge Absolutism?
How compatible is Individualism with Christianity?
Is democracy always the best form of government?
When is revolution justifiable?
What rights do all people deserve?
What is more important, freedom or safety?

Handouts, Part I--
Enlightenment Thinkers Activity, French Revolution Activity, What Napoleon Left Behind, ...
Handouts, Part II--
Enlightenment/France Study Guide, Congress of Vienna, Bill of Rights, Enlightenment Essay Preparation, ...
American and French Revolutions, ...

Above, Mr. and Mrs. Milo sit in a coffee house in Budapest, Hungary. Coffee houses were the location of choice for Enlightenment thinkers. The caffeine encouraged healthy debates.

Monday, August 5, 2013


Enjoying some coffee in Costa Rica
Opening Activity: Video

Fun with maps

Superventures Text, pdf version
Superventures Text, iPad version


1st Semester Portfolio



Egypt Reading, Read the article, being sure to write down questions about the article as you read. What do you not understand? Write a sentence that summarizes the ongoing events in Egypt. Finally, explain how the events in Egypt is causing problems for the United States--include specific evidence from the article in your write-up.


Recurring topics:
1. Individualism vs. Community
2. Democratic ideals vs. Totalitarian ideals
3. Peace vs. War
4. Wealth vs. Poverty
5. Cultural perspective vs. Egocentric
6. Supportive opinion vs. Baseless opinion

Build a Civilization


Intro Handout


The impact of AGRICULTURE!


What is culture? East vs. West.
AD800-1200 in Africa and the Middle East.


Introduction of the study of history (primary and secondary sources and archaeological trash)
Birth of civilization. Where and why? The development of government--origins of the state.
The development and role of religion in the Mediterranean.
The Greeks and Democracy. The Romans adopt.
Things fall apart in Europe.


Baghdad, 800, What was the House of Wisdom, and what did the House of Wisdom bring to the world? Use evidence from the reading.
Abbasid Empire.



First Written Response:  The Mongols managed an empire that to this days is geographically the largest the world has ever known. What led to the Mongol conquests, and what made the Mongols so successful at conquering territory? 

The Crusades

The Classical World

Beginning Civilization Keywords and Essential Questions

Twelve Tables

Essential Questions
1. What are the defining characteristics of Western Civilization and how does it differ from the rest of the world?
2. How do you win a scholarly argument?
3. What the heck is this class all about?

Next unit...

Renaissance Architecture Assignment

Monday, July 29, 2013

Renaissance, Science, and Exploration

Mr. Milo stands in a French Renaissance village.
Introduction iPad Activity

Impacts of the Crusades (European world and Arab world)

Essential Questions:

- Why is the Renaissance called the Renaissance and how did it begin?
-How did the art and literature define the Renaissance?
- How did Martin Luther turn Europe upside-down?
- How did a Johannes Gutenberg help spread ideas?
- How can the arts bring wealth and stability to an area (civilization)?
- What are the benefits and complications of progress?

The Medici.
The Effects of the Crusades
Definition of Humanism.
Definition of The Classics.
Comparing Art. See the Medieval Art tab to the right.

Renaissance Architecture Assignment
Renaissance Rebels Pamphlet Assignment

Handouts: Renaissance Library Work, Renaissance Keywords, Medici Film, , Explorers Questions, Some inventions, Absolutism vs. Democracy

Introductory questions on Galileo

Mr. Milo takes a picture of the swarmed, yet highly protected Mona Lisa.

Age of Exploration iPad Work

Spain and the Netherlands