Thursday, May 1, 2014

East Asia

China Week, 2012

Handouts:  China TodayKeywords/Essential Questions, Ode to Mulan (poem), Last Train Home, Confucianism vs. Capitalism Paper, ...

PowerPoints: China Part 1, China Part 2, China Part 3, Japan History, China Stats, ..., ...

Additional sites: U.S./China Business Council, China in Africa Article, ...

Readings: Confucianism and Capitalism, ...

Film clips: Inside North Korea, ...

Essential Questions:
1. What role will China play in the world's future?
2. Why did the Chinese civilization not become the world super power as opposed to Europe?
3. How does China juggle communism and capitalism?
4. What keep China and the U.S. from being close pals?
5. How will the relationship between China and the United States look in the near future?

Friday, April 4, 2014

Indian Subcontinent

Handout:  Indian Subcontinent Keywords and Essential Questions, Hinduism and Kashmir, Kashmir for Dummies, Beyond India (Bangladesh and Burma), India Article, ...

Kabaddi, Indian game that is a cross between rugby and tag with its own breathless twist.

Corruption: CPI

Essential Questions: 
1. How does the geography impact the people of India? (Think: Mountains, Rivers, Monsoons, Climate…) 2. What role did the Aryans play in changing the face of India? (Think: Caste System, Vedas, Cows, Sanskrit, Cultural Diffusion…)
3. Explain how Britain altered India? How might this have led to the Indian search for independence? (Think: Modernizations, Schooling, Sepoy Rebellion, Restrictions…)
4. Describe Gandhi’s philosophy and its impact on Indian Independence. Additionally, describe how 2 earlier Indian leaders influenced Gandhi. (Think: Satyagraha, Boycotts, Salt March, Spinning cloth, Asoka, Akbar…)
5. Explain the controversy over Kashmir. Why do both Pakistan and India want the land? What are the origins of this conflict?
6. Describe the connection between the Indian Caste System and Hinduism by explaining a scenario that begins with the birth of a peasant child.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Middle East

Right: Scene from the film Persepolis--based on the graphic novels by Marjane Satrapi.

PowerPoints: Middle East 1, ...,

Additional Readings: Mayor of Marrakech (What makes this mayor different? How has this mayor attempted to push Morocco forward? What difficulties does she face?), The Media in Egypt (Are there more media freedoms under the current Egyptian government or was it better under Hosni Mubarak?), Diverse Iran (Examine the many pictures in this article and write a comment on the 5 pictures you find most interesting; what do they say about Iran?), Rap in Tunisia (What has been the role of rap in Tunisia? How bright does the future look for rap?), Flashmob for peace,
Syria, Death of a Country Article (What is the current condition in Syria? What concern is Syria to the rest of the world? What has the West (the U.S. and its allies) done in Syria? What has Bashar Assad done to maintain his control on Syria? In your opinion, what should be done and why?--use some of your understanding from the Morgan Spurlock film we watched to help support your answer.)

Ethnicity and Religion

Middle East Website Project

Israel/Palestine Pros and Cons

Essential Questions:
1. Why does tension exist between some groups of the Middle East and some Western Countries?
2. What solutions exist for the tensions in the Middle East?
3. What is the Arab Spring and why did it occur?
4. What will be the next big collision?--Water, Race, Class, Protest, Revolution, Oil...
5. Where do cultural traits and relgious traits differ and merge?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Africa and International Aid

Mr. Milo working with Catholic Relief Services in Kosovo.

IRIN, humanitarian news and analysis videos, such as Gem Slaves and Breaking Rocks

Islamists in Mali and Landmines everywhere else.

Power of education and medicine.

Handouts: Africa Key Terms and Map, Hotel Rwanda, 9 Cs, Solutions?, International Aid Project Brochure Example, International Aid Project, 9Cs Promotional Poster, Around Africa, Invictus Questions and Position Paper, Arab Spring Activity, ...

PowerPoints: Empires to Imperialism, 9 Cs, ...

Videos: Divine Chocolate, K'naan, Nneka, Gorillas, Giving back and fighting AIDS, Lions, ...

Map of Africa (physical geography 1)
Map of Africa (physical geography 2)
Languages of Africa map
Difficulties in the Sahel map
Sahel Crisis: Problems and Answers

Essential Questions:

1. How did Sub-Sahara Africa become the poorest place on Earth?
2. How do the 9-C's contribute to the plight of Africa?
3. What solutions can act as antidotes?
4. What makes successful International Aid Organizations successful?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Cold War

Mr. Milo, during the Cold War. Don't let the tube socks and Mickey Mouse shirt fool you. When would the nukes drop?

Essential Questions:
1. How did events during WWII lead to the Cold War?
2. Was U.S./U.S.S.R. competition all that bad?
3. Why were proxy wars so fashionable during the Cold War?
4. What led to the end of the Soviet Union?
5. Was the Cold War Era safer than today?

Handouts: Cold War and OGT Notes, Article Example, News Article Directions, Cold War Cartoon Instructions, Cold War Packet, Summarized Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The End of the Cold War, ...

PowerPoints: Cold War at Home, Cold War, The Soviet Union Falls, ...

Scenes from Dr. Strangelove: Doomsday Device, Mein Fuhrer, I can walk!, Dimitry and the President, Water Fluoridation, Getting our hair mussed, ...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

World War II

World War II in Europe played out in map form.
The Pacific played out in map form.

Handouts: World War II Cartoon/Battles, Witnessing the Holocaust, World War II Essay and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Life is Beautiful Study Guide, Holocaust and beyond, World War II Essay, Deep thoughts, ...

PowerPoints: World War II,...

Essential Questions:
1. How effective was the method of appeasement?
2. How can nationalism lead to war?
3. How did the allies of World War II become enemies afterward?
4. How did someone like Adolph Hitler gain such a strong following?
5. What pitted the United States again both Germany and Japan?
6. What conditions allowed for the Holocaust to take place? Can a similar event happen again? How can it be prevented?
7. Was the United States justified in dropping the atomic bombs on Japan?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Mr. Milo and Mr. Lenin. Mr. Milo is the one smiling.

PowerPoints: Events Leading to World War II, Totalitarianism, ...

Handouts, Projects: Desperation 1920, Dictators 101, Totalitarian Horror Project, ...

Museums dedicated to totalitarian regimes in Budapest and Prague.