PowerPoints: Middle East 1, ...,
Additional Readings: Mayor of Marrakech (What makes this mayor different? How has this mayor attempted to push Morocco forward? What difficulties does she face?), The Media in Egypt (Are there more media freedoms under the current Egyptian government or was it better under Hosni Mubarak?), Diverse Iran (Examine the many pictures in this article and write a comment on the 5 pictures you find most interesting; what do they say about Iran?), Rap in Tunisia (What has been the role of rap in Tunisia? How bright does the future look for rap?), Flashmob for peace,
Syria, Death of a Country Article (What is the current condition in Syria? What concern is Syria to the rest of the world? What has the West (the U.S. and its allies) done in Syria? What has Bashar Assad done to maintain his control on Syria? In your opinion, what should be done and why?--use some of your understanding from the Morgan Spurlock film we watched to help support your answer.)
Ethnicity and Religion
Middle East Website Project
Israel/Palestine Pros and Cons
Additional Readings: Mayor of Marrakech (What makes this mayor different? How has this mayor attempted to push Morocco forward? What difficulties does she face?), The Media in Egypt (Are there more media freedoms under the current Egyptian government or was it better under Hosni Mubarak?), Diverse Iran (Examine the many pictures in this article and write a comment on the 5 pictures you find most interesting; what do they say about Iran?), Rap in Tunisia (What has been the role of rap in Tunisia? How bright does the future look for rap?), Flashmob for peace,
Syria, Death of a Country Article (What is the current condition in Syria? What concern is Syria to the rest of the world? What has the West (the U.S. and its allies) done in Syria? What has Bashar Assad done to maintain his control on Syria? In your opinion, what should be done and why?--use some of your understanding from the Morgan Spurlock film we watched to help support your answer.)
Ethnicity and Religion
Middle East Website Project
Israel/Palestine Pros and Cons
Essential Questions:
1. Why does tension exist between some groups of the Middle East and some Western Countries?
1. Why does tension exist between some groups of the Middle East and some Western Countries?
2. What solutions exist for the tensions in the Middle East?
3. What is the Arab Spring and why did it occur?
4. What will be the next big collision?--Water, Race, Class, Protest, Revolution, Oil...