Syllabus 2013-2014

Honors Curriculum

Ethnographic Study
Prezi directions

Current Event 1
The Battle for Yemen


Greek Intro PowerPoint
Ancient Persia and Greece PowerPoint (combo)

Athens Democracy Evolves (iPad version)

Socrates Bio
Analysis of Plato's Apology 
Summary of Plato's Republic


Roman Republic Analyzed
Rome PowerPoint 1
Rome PowerPoint 2
Fall of West Activity 

Roman Quiz

Roman Emperors


Beginning Middle Ages
Chapter 7 Questions/Class Activity
Middle Ages Beginning (pwrpoint)
Emerging Nations of Europe  (pwrpoint)
My own tapestry assignment (10/3/12)


800s-1300s Europe Review
1500s-1600s Formation of Europe

Opening the Renaissance

Economist Article, As You Were, for October 22
     (By the way, the Gini Coefficient measures the inequality among values, say like with income)

Grapes of Wrath/French Friends Activity

Crusades PowerPoint 

2nd Quarter Project:
--Part 1
--Parts 2, 3, 4, Final

Renaissance PowerPoint
Brown Floppy Reading Questions, 11-2-11 
Luther's 95 Theses
Printing Press Assignment
Renaissance PowerPoint
Science PowerPoint
Imperialism (IR and Brown Floppy readings) 


England vs. Spain PowerPoint, the 1500s-1600s Formation of Europe notes above might help here
Absolutism (Battle for Europe) PowerPoint
Enlightened Zombies Dialogue (to be performed November 26)

Enlightenment PowerPoint
French Revolution PowerPoint

1800s DBQ
Revolution PowerPoint
Imperialism PowerPoint
Industrialization PowerPoint

Congress of Vienna Activity
Metternich's perspective
ICRC History
Crimean War, Florence Nightingale
Italian Unification, France, Ottoman Empire notes
European Union and Unity

2nd Quarter Briefing Rubric and Comment Sheet


The song of Song, Economist Reading
3rd Quarter Project

Imperialism Reading 1, Imperialism Cartoon 1, Imperialism Cartoon 2, Imperialism Cartoon 3, Imperialism Cartoon 4

Reading on the Balkans and the Ottoman Empire. Read through the "Eastern Question" and no farther.

Imperialism in the Americas

Pre-Treaty of Versailles Activity

Pre-Treaty of Versailles Additional Readings:
Map of Germany following the Treaty of Frankfurt, 1871, what did they gain from France? What might be the long term effect?

Triple Alliance, who was allied and why?

France-Russian Convention, what was the strategy of this alliance?

Anglo-Japanese Alliance, what agreement did the two sides have?
The Russo-Japanese War, consider Japan’s gains (and lack of gains).

Entente Cordiale, who was allied and why?

Serbia, as part of the Balkans. Notice what Russia wanted and what it saw itself as in regards to the Balkans (Serbia).

The Black Hand. What was its nationalistic goal?

Woodrow Wilson. What do you see as important to Wilson? Why? What’s the goal and reasoning behind self-determination?
Treaty of London (1915). Italy’s desires. Be sure to identify the locations of Italy’s geographic interests.
Anglo-German Tension. How might this play a role in influencing interests during and after the war?
Austria’s Expansion. Consider what they wanted and who might be affected.

Turkey (Ottoman Empire), consider the sections titled “Turco-Russian War” and “Balkan States Against the Ottoman Empire.” For each, focus on the desires of the powers involved.
Congress of Berlin (1878) (Impact on Africa), notice the section titled “RESULTS.”
Congress of Berlin (1878) (Impact on the Balkans), Notice who controls what and what independent countries exist.
The Royals, see if you can make sense of this.

Trench Warfare, World War I
World War I PowerPoint 


Treaty of Versailles, handout on predicting the outcome.
1920s-30s Readings: First, be sure you are knowledgeable about a revolt or protest in the world from 1919. There are many, so you decide which you want to read about.
1. Mussolini's Definition of Fascism, Given the definition, what does fascism abhor, why? What does fascism promote? How is a fascist state organized?
2. Mein Kampf Excerpt (Read Chapter XI up until the first break where the centered squiggly mark sits) What does Hitler say about nature and how does he use America to support his claims? What is Hitler's take on pacifists? Is Hitler's logic strong, explain.
3. Stalin's take on the Kulaks, Who are the Kulaks and why eliminate them? (focus on collectivism)
4. John Maynard Keynes take on economics. What is the General Theory? What was his take on the Treaty of Versailles? What is the equation for aggregate demand--how would this shape his view on how to strengthen an economy?
5. Japan's Nationalism. Notice the relationship between Japan and Britain/U.S. How would you characterize their relationship?
6. Saudi Arabia. How does it unite and become independent? What is its early relationship with the West?
7. Iraq and Prince Feisal, What does Feisal lobby for and how does he become King of Iraq?
8. Iran (Persia), Read about the first Pahlavi Shah (king). What is is relationship with the West and how does he reform/alter Iran?
9. China in turmoil, How does Yuan Shikai work with the West? What are the views of others like Sun Yat-sen toward Yuan? How would you characterize China during the 19-teens?
10. Leon Trotsky on India and Imperialism. Read up until "The Jailing of Gandhi." What is Trotsky's perspective on Imperialism? What are his thoughts on Gandhi's tactics?

Fascism PowerPoint
World War I to World War II Readings and Activity
SocialismCommunismFascismNazism Cheat Sheet 
World War II PowerPoint

Readings (week of 2-19)
1. The Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husayni (Read "From Collaboration With the Axis" through "Axis Armies Move Into Arab Lands")
2. Rosie the Riveter
3. Fireside Chat: The Dust Bowl
4. Further reading on Japanese Militarism (the need for raw materials and Western provocation)

Readings (2-27 to 3-4)
1. Chinese Civil War comes to a close. Who wins and how? What was the role and perspective of the U.S.?
2. The United Nations Part 1. When and why did it come into existence? United Nations Part 2--see your IR Text, page 237, to get an understanding of the structure.
3. Truman Doctrine. Please watch and gather what action must be done and why. How will this alter U.S. foreign policy?

Readings (3/5 to 3/8)
1. Brown v. Board of Education. What does the U.S. Supreme Court decide? Also, answer the question that refers to the 14th Amendment asked on the website.
2. Sputnik 1. How does this change the relationship between the U.S. and the Soviet Union?
3. Fulgencio Batista. What type of leader was Batista and what was his relation with Fidel Castro.
4. Iranian 1953 Coup. Why does the U.S. orchestrate a coup in Iran in 1953? What's your stance on this and why?

Quarter 3 Book Project Due with Partner on March 18. Yes, this is a change. March 18 is when we will begin the presentations. We'll have to focus on OGTs first.

Period 5-6 Political Cartoon activity (OGT Week)

Readings (3/18-3/22)
1. Ngo Dinh Diem. Vietnam's first president. What problems does he have, and why is he not so popular? What role does the U.S. play?
2. President Eisenhower's letter to Diem. What is the position of Eisenhower? Why do you think?
3. President Kennedy's letter to Diem. What is the position of Kennedy? Why do you think?
4. Ho Chi Minh. Who supported Ho, and why do you think so?
5. Vietnam War Timeline.
6. 1968. The tumultuous year.

Week of 3/25
1. I will be on a field trip in NYC Monday and Tuesday.
2. Monday and Tuesday you will watch Fog of War with Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense during much of the Vietnam War. Take note of his 11 Lessons. You'll have to put them to use. And take note of specific examples of his 11 Lessons, so that you can use them to support your position.

Cold War PowerPoint
Fog of War in-class writing
Fog of War Companion
Soviet Union Falls PowerPoint
Map of Cold War Europe 
Documentary on Soviet failure in Afghanistan
1989 and the end of communism (in maps)

President Johnson's Pants

Readings for April 15
1. My Lai Massacre (another part of 1968). What impact does this have on the U.S. domestic position and morale?
2. Short video on 1968 at home. What sentiment is growing and why? What's a Yippie?
3. Quick synopsis of Six-Day War. How was Israel able to strike such crippling blows? What did Resolution 242 establish? Search for the impact this war had on the United States.
4. Examine subsequent events:  Yom Kippur War, 1973 OPEC Embargo. How do these contribute to the image of the United States in the Middle East and the Middle East image in the United States. What role did the U.S. play in the Middle East?
5. The power of Ping-Pong. How does this impact U.S.-Chinese relations, which were scarred from 1949? What concessions did both the U.S. and China make to better relations?
6. Cambodian Civil War and genocide (Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot).

For Class:
Vietnam War's impact on neighbors Laos and Cambodia and long-term impacts. American Experience Film.

Dr. Strangelove paper--1 page

Week of April 22 (Earth Day) Mandatory readings include asterix
*1980s Assignment
*NY Times article on the 1983 bombing in Beirut.  Why are U.S. marines in Lebanon?
Website analyzing the Iran-Contra Affair. Why is the U.S. supporting rebels in Nicaragua and dealing with Iran?
U.S. in Angola. Why is the U.S. supporting rebels in Angola?
*Pinochet. Read about the Terrible Years. How does Pinochet come to power and solidify power?
*Break up of Yugoslavia. What atrocities occur during the disintegration of Yugoslavia, and what are the different episodes?
*End of Soviet Union. What are some factors that led to the fall of the Soviet Union?

Soviet Union Falls PowerPoint
Map of Cold War Europe 
Documentary on Soviet failure in Afghanistan
1989 and the end of communism (in maps)
Middle East PowerPoint 

To be read for Monday, April 29
The U.S. in Afghanistan
Inside Iraq:  Ethnic groups and religions, Inside Iraq Minus Saddam Hussein, ...
In-class, Monday, April 29
What to do about the Syrian Civil War?

Week of April 29:
Israel and Iran. What is the position of Israel toward Iran, and what is their worry.
Saudi Arabian society. What is the condition of human rights in Saudi Arabia and why is this so?
Questions to recent readings.

Week of May 6:
Future China

Week of May 13:
China Stats, powerpoint
China, part 1
China, part 2
China, part 3